six (EN)
сан esap, аталыш сөз

сан esap “six”

six, 6
  1. алты
    She bought six apples from the market.

аталыш сөз “six”

sg. six, 6, pl. sixes, 6s or uncountable
  1. саат алты
    We have six apples in the basket.
  2. арткы бет (аскердик жаргондо)
    While advancing, keep an eye on our six for any surprise attacks.
  3. алты упайлык уруу (крикетте)
    The crowd erupted in cheers when the batsman struck a powerful six, sending the ball flying over the boundary.
  4. тачдаун (америкалык футболдо)
    With that incredible catch, the team scored a six and took the lead.