аталыш сөз “commission”
жекелик commission, көптүк commissions же санаксыз
- комиссия
Катталыңыз, мисал сүйлөмдөрдүн котормолорун жана ар бир сөздүн бир тилдеги аныктамаларын көрүү үчүн.
The commission on environmental protection will present their findings on air quality next month.
- комиссиондук акы
As a real estate agent, she earns a 3% commission on every house she sells.
- комиссиондук төлөм
The travel agency charges a $50 commission for booking international flights.
- буйрутма (искусство же дизайн түзүү үчүн)
The artist was thrilled to get a commission for a mural that would be displayed in the city center.
- офицердик чин
After years of dedicated service, he was finally granted a commission as a captain in the navy.
этиш “commission”
инфинитив commission; ал commissions; өткөн чак commissioned; өткөн пат. commissioned; гер. commissioning
- тапшырма берүү (бирөөгө милдет же иш жүктөө)
The government commissioned a team of experts to assess the impact of the new policy.
- буйрутма берүү (искусство же башка жеке иштер үчүн)
The wealthy collector commissioned a custom sculpture for his garden from a renowned artist.
- кемени кызматка даяр деп жарыялоо
After extensive upgrades, the submarine was finally commissioned into the fleet.