top (EN)
명사, 동사, 형용사

명사 “top”

sg. top, pl. tops or uncountable
  1. 가장 윗부분
    She reached for the book on the top shelf.
  2. 최고위
    After years of hard work, she finally reached the top of the corporate ladder.
  3. 뚜껑
    She screwed the top back onto the jar of jam after making her sandwich.
  4. 상의
    She wore a floral top to the picnic.
  5. 최대 볼륨 (소리의 가장 큰 크기)
    He shouted at the top of his lungs to be heard over the storm.
  6. 돛대의 구조물 (배의 돛대에 설치된 작은 플랫폼)
    The sailor climbed up to the top to secure the loose ropes before the storm hit.
  7. 가장 먼 끝
    The mailbox is at the top of the driveway.
  8. 초반 (야구에서)
    In the top of the fifth inning, the visiting team scored two runs.
  9. 팽이
    She wound the string around the top and threw it, watching it spin rapidly on the ground.
  10. 탑스핀 (공에 앞으로 회전을 가하는 것)
    To improve his serve, he practiced adding top to the ball, making it harder for his opponent to predict its bounce.
  11. 지정된 인원수의 테이블
    The restaurant was fully booked, but they managed to squeeze us in at a four top near the window.

동사 “top”

top; he tops; past topped, part. topped; ger. topping
  1. ~의 가장 위에 놓다
    She always tops her pancakes with maple syrup and fresh berries.
  2. ~보다 더 잘하다
    She topped her previous sales record by selling 100 more units this month.
  3. 선두에 서다
    The movie quickly topped the box office rankings, surpassing all expectations.
  4. 윗부분을 자르다
    The gardener topped the overgrown bushes to maintain the garden's neat appearance.
  5. 공의 중심을 넘어서 치다 (골프에서)
    In his haste, he topped the ball, sending it skidding across the grass instead of soaring through the air.

형용사 “top”

  1. 최상위에 위치한
    She placed the star on the top branch of the Christmas tree.
  2. 최고의
    He is one of the top lawyers in the country.