party (EN)
명사, 동사

명사 “party”

sg. party, pl. parties
  1. 파티
    We had a great time at Sarah's party last night, with music, dancing, and lots of laughter.
  2. 판매 파티
    Sarah invited her friends over for a Tupperware party to show them the latest kitchen storage solutions.
  3. 당사자
    In the lawsuit, each party must present their evidence to the judge.
  4. 계약 당사자
    The contract was signed by both parties, ensuring that each side agreed to the terms.
  5. 관련자
    She refused to be a party to their dishonest scheme.
  6. 정당
    The new party promised to focus on healthcare and education reforms.
  7. 부대
    The rescue party set out at dawn to find the missing soldiers.
  8. 파티 (게임에서 팀)
    Our party ventured into the dark forest to find the hidden treasure.

동사 “party”

party; he parties; past partied, part. partied; ger. partying
  1. 파티를 즐기다
    They partied all night to celebrate their graduation.