
mutual (EN)
형용사, 명사

형용사 “mutual”

기본형 mutual (more/most)
  1. 상호 간의
    Their mutual trust was essential for the success of the project.
  2. 공동의 (공유된)
    They met through a mutual friend.
  3. 구성원들이 소유한
    She prefers to deal with mutual insurance companies.

명사 “mutual”

단수 mutual, 복수 mutuals
  1. 뮤추얼 펀드
    He invested his money in mutuals to save for retirement.
  2. (인터넷 속어) 소셜 미디어에서 서로 팔로우하는 사람
    I noticed we're mutuals on Instagram.