living (EN)
형용사, 명사

이 단어는 다음의 형태일 수도 있습니다:
live (동사)

형용사 “living”

living, non-gradable
  1. 살아 있는
    The living plants in this garden attract a lot of bees and butterflies.
  2. 현재 사용되는
    The tradition of storytelling is still living in many cultures.
  3. 생생한
    Her performance was so convincing; it was like watching the living embodiment of the character.
  4. 정도를 강조하는 데에 사용되는
    I was scared out of my living wits when I saw the shadow move.

명사 “living”

sg. living, pl. livings or uncountable
  1. 생계
    He earns his living as a freelance graphic designer.
  2. 삶의 질
    After retiring, they opted for quiet living in the countryside.