
interior (EN)
형용사, 명사

형용사 “interior”

기본형 interior (more/most)
  1. 내부의
    The interior walls of the old castle were damp and cold.
  2. 내륙의
    They moved to an interior town to escape the busy life of the city.

명사 “interior”

단수 interior, 복수 interiors
  1. 내부
    The interior of the house was beautifully decorated with paintings and sculptures.
  2. 내륙 (국가의 중심 지역)
    The explorers ventured deep into the interior in search of new species.
  3. 내부 (수학에서, 경계를 제외한 도형이나 영역 내의 점들의 집합)
    The interior of a closed interval is the corresponding open interval.