heavenly (EN)
형용사, 부사

형용사 “heavenly”

  1. 천상의
    God is our heavenly Father.
  2. 천상의(하늘과 관련된)
    On a clear night, the heavenly display of stars and constellations is truly breathtaking.
  3. 환상적인 (매우 아름답거나 즐거운 의미에서)
    The scent of the blooming jasmine in the garden was heavenly and filled the air with sweetness.

부사 “heavenly”

  1. 신적인 힘에 의해 (방식을 나타내는 부사로서)
    The sick child recovered so quickly, it was as if she had been healed heavenly.
  2. 매우 즐거운 (정도를 나타내는 부사로서)
    The chocolate cake was heavenly sweet I couldn't resist eating more.