good (EN)
형용사, 감탄사, 명사

형용사 “good”

good, better, best
  1. 유익한
    She's a good person with good intentions.
  2. 능숙한
    He's a good pianist, able to play complex pieces with ease.
  3. 예의 바른
    The children were very good during the long car ride.
  4. 만족하는
    No dessert for me, thanks—I'm good.
  5. 괜찮은
    I'm good with going to the movies tonight if you are.
  6. 신뢰할 수 있는
    I'll pay you back on Friday; I'm good for the money.
  7. 좋은 (고품질의)
    She bought a good backpack that lasted for years.
  8. 맛있는
    The homemade apple pie tasted really good.
  9. 영양가 있는
    Make sure you have a good breakfast before the marathon.
  10. 사용 가능한
    This voucher is good for one free coffee at the café.
  11. 건강에 좋은
    Drinking plenty of water is good for you.
  12. 즐거운
    We had a good time at the comedy show.
  13. 좋은
    We had good weather for our beach day.
  14. 품위 있는
    He has worked hard to maintain his good reputation.
  15. 아주 (정도를 나타내는 강조어)
    The chili was good and spicy, just how I like it.
  16. 준비된
    Just say the word, and I'm good to go.
  17. 신성한
    Many people attend church on Good Friday.
  18. 많은
    We waited a good while before the bus finally arrived.
  19. 전부의
    It took him a good hour to call back.

감탄사 “good”

  1. 잘했어
    "Good! You've finished your homework early."

명사 “good”

sg. good, pl. goods
  1. (선과 악의 대립 개념에서의 선)
    She volunteers every weekend as part of her commitment to doing good.
  2. 이익
    Landing the new client was a good for the sales team.
  3. 상품
    The country's economy relies on the export of goods.