good (EN)
сын есім, аралас сөз, зат есім

сын есім “good”

good, better, best
  1. пайдалы
    She's a good person with good intentions.
  2. шебер
    He's a good pianist, able to play complex pieces with ease.
  3. ұқыпты
    The children were very good during the long car ride.
  4. қанағаттанған
    No dessert for me, thanks—I'm good.
  5. келісімді
    I'm good with going to the movies tonight if you are.
  6. сенімді
    I'll pay you back on Friday; I'm good for the money.
  7. жақсы (жоғары сапалы)
    She bought a good backpack that lasted for years.
  8. дәмді
    The homemade apple pie tasted really good.
  9. тойымды
    Make sure you have a good breakfast before the marathon.
  10. қолайлы
    This voucher is good for one free coffee at the café.
  11. денсаулыққа пайдалы
    Drinking plenty of water is good for you.
  12. қызықты
    We had a good time at the comedy show.
  13. жағымды
    We had good weather for our beach day.
  14. абыройлы
    He has worked hard to maintain his good reputation.
  15. өте (мысалы, өте жақсы)
    The chili was good and spicy, just how I like it.
  16. дайын
    Just say the word, and I'm good to go.
  17. қасиетті
    Many people attend church on Good Friday.
  18. мол
    We waited a good while before the bus finally arrived.
  19. толық
    It took him a good hour to call back.

аралас сөз “good”

  1. жарайды
    "Good! You've finished your homework early."

зат есім “good”

sg. good, pl. goods
  1. жақсылық
    She volunteers every weekend as part of her commitment to doing good.
  2. пайда
    Landing the new client was a good for the sales team.
  3. тауарлар
    The country's economy relies on the export of goods.