
certain (EN)
형용사, 관형사, 대명사

형용사 “certain”

기본형 certain (more/most)
  1. 확신하는 (어떤 것에 대해 완전히 자신감이 있거나 확신하는; 의심이 없는)
    She was certain that she had locked the door before she left.
  2. 확실한 (확정적이거나 확실히 알려진; 의심의 여지가 없는)
    The evidence makes it certain that he committed the crime.
  3. 일정한 (적당한; 가득 차지 않은)
    We know to a certain extent how this new technology works.
  4. 확실한
    If you go there, you'll face certain death.

관형사 “certain”

  1. 어떤 (구체적이지만 정확하게 이름이 지어지거나 설명되지 않은)
    She has a certain charm that is hard to define.
  2. 어떤 (이름만 알고 있는 특정한 사람을 나타내는)
    A certain Mr. Smith asked me if he could make an appointment.

대명사 “certain”

  1. 특정한 (알려진 그룹에서)
    Certain of the students were selected for the exchange program.