attention (EN)
명사, 감탄사

명사 “attention”

sg. attention, pl. attentions or uncountable
  1. 집중
    During the lecture, it was hard to keep my attention on the speaker because of the noise outside.
  2. 배려
    After the accident, she was rushed to the hospital for immediate medical attention.
  3. 경계 태세
    At the sound of the whistle, every soldier snapped to attention, standing rigid and alert.
  4. 어텐션 (컴퓨터 과학에서 중요한 데이터 부분에 초점을 맞추는 방법)
    In machine learning, the attention mechanism allows the model to focus more on relevant parts of the input for better prediction accuracy.

감탄사 “attention”

  1. 조용 (사람들이 조용히 하고 듣게 하기 위해 사용하는 말)
    Attention! Pause your work and look this way for an announcement.
  2. 충성 (군대에서 병사들이 준비되고 경계하는 자세를 취하게 하는 명령)
    The drill sergeant yelled, "Attention!" and all the soldiers immediately stood straight.