kata benda “tape”
tunggal tape, jamak tapes utawa ora bisa diitung
- plester
Mlebu kanggo ndeleng terjemahan ukara conto lan definisi monolingual saben tembung.
She used tape to wrap the present securely.
- pita kaset
He found an old tape of his favorite band's live concert.
- rekaman
The security tapes showed the thief entering through the back door.
- pita ukur
The builder took out his tape to check the width of the wall.
- pita finish
She broke the tape to win the 100-meter sprint.
- prosedur birokrasi (red tape)
The new policy aims to reduce the amount of tape businesses have to deal with.
cêkapan “tape”
infinitif tape; dhèwèké tapes; lampau taped; part. lampau taped; ger. taping
- ngrekam
She taped the concert so she could watch it again later.
- nempelake nganggo plester
He taped the broken pieces of the map together.
- nempelake plester atletik
The doctor taped his ankle to relieve pain.
- nempelake nganggo plester
He taped the poster on the wall.
- nutupi nganggo plester
Hockey sticks need to be taped regularly.