cêkapan “skyrocket”
infinitif skyrocket; dhèwèké skyrockets; lampau skyrocketed; part. lampau skyrocketed; ger. skyrocketing
- mundhak kanthi cepet lan akeh
Mlebu kanggo ndeleng terjemahan ukara conto lan definisi monolingual saben tembung.
After the announcement of the new model, the company's stock prices skyrocketed overnight.
- nggawe mundhak kanthi cepet lan akeh
The release of the new smartphone model skyrocketed the company's sales within days.
kata benda “skyrocket”
tunggal skyrocket, jamak skyrockets
- kembang api (sing diudhunake mabur dhuwur banjur meledhak kanthi macem-macem efek)
At the New Year's Eve celebration, the night sky was illuminated as dozens of skyrockets burst into colorful patterns above the cheering crowd.