person (EN)
kata benda

kata benda “person”

sg. person, pl. persons, people or uncountable
  1. tiyang
    Every person has the right to freedom of speech and expression.
  2. sawijining wong sing seneng utawa duwé kapentingan khusus marang sawijining bab
    As a coffee person, Mark starts every morning with a freshly brewed cup. My aunt is a dog person.
  3. sawijining individu sing nindakake tugas utawa peran tartamtu
    When my computer crashed, I called the company and they sent over an IT person right away.
  4. entitas (kayata manungsa, perusahaan, utawa organisasi) kang duwé hak hukum lan bisa muncul ing pengadilan
    The court ruled that the environmental organization could be treated as a person for the purpose of filing a lawsuit.
  5. tembung sandang (kang nunjukaké hubungan antarané pamicara, pangrungu, lan tiyang liyané)
    In English, the first person singular pronoun is "I" when referring to oneself.
  6. salah siji saka telung identitas ilahi ing Trinitas Suci ing kapercayan Kristen
    In the doctrine of the Trinity, the three persons are coequal and coeternal.