part (EN)
kata benda, cêkapan, kata kriya, sifat

kata benda “part”

sg. part, pl. parts or uncountable
  1. bagean
    She gave me a part of her sandwich.
  2. komponen
    The parts of a washing machine include the drum, motor, and control panel.
  3. bagian
    After the successful project, she insisted on receiving her part of the earnings.
  4. takaran
    For the cake recipe, you need two parts flour to one part sugar.
  5. jumlah
    For the cocktail, mix two parts of gin with one part of tonic water.
  6. bab
    The instructions for the assignment are detailed in Part B of the syllabus.
  7. tugas
    Everyone must do their part in keeping the community clean.
  8. peran
    In the school play, she was thrilled to be given the part of the queen.
  9. melodi (kanggo penyanyi utawa kelompok musik tartamtu)
    In the choir, the soprano parts were particularly beautiful, soaring above the rest of the harmonies.
  10. pandangan (ing debat utawa diskusi)
    In the debate, one part argued for stricter environmental regulations, while the other part opposed them.
  11. belah (ing rambut)
    She adjusted her part to the right side to give her hairstyle a new look.

cêkapan “part”

part; he parts; past parted, part. parted; ger. parting
  1. pisah
    After the movie, I parted from my friends and headed home.
  2. mbagi
    She parted the pages of the book to find her lost bookmark.
  3. kepisah
    The curtain parted, revealing the stage.
  4. nyabut (saka campuran)
    The machine parts the seeds from the fruit effortlessly.
  5. mbelah (rambut)
    She parted her hair down the middle before tying it into two neat braids.

kata kriya “part”

  1. sebagean
    The cake was only part eaten when the party ended.

sifat “part”

part, non-gradable
  1. parsial
    She became part owner of the bakery after investing in it last year.