sifat “old”
old, luwih older, paling oldest
- tuwa
Mlebu kanggo ndeleng terjemahan ukara conto lan definisi monolingual saben tembung.
The old oak tree in the park must be hundreds of years old.
- umur (kanggo nuduhake umur tartamtu, kayata "umur 5 taun")
My grandfather is eighty years old and still goes for a walk every morning.
- biyèn
I bumped into my old teacher at the grocery store.
- ilang (kanggo nuduhake barang utawa panggonan sing wis ora ana maneh)
The old mill by the river has been demolished.
- bosen (kanggo nuduhake barang sing wis ora menarik utawa ngganggu amarga sering diulang-ulang)
That old joke doesn't make me laugh anymore.
- pucet (kanggo nuduhake warna sing katon ora cerah utawa kaya wis luntur amarga wektu)
She decorated the room with an old rose color to give it a vintage feel.
- digunakake kanggo nandheske sifat liyane
We had a good old time at the beach yesterday.
- digunakake kanggo ngungkapake keakraban jangka panjang karo wong
Old Mike from next door always has the best stories to tell.