
mystery (EN)
kata benda

kata benda “mystery”

tunggal mystery, jamak mysteries utawa ora bisa diitung
  1. misteri
    The disappearance of the ancient Mayan civilization remains a profound mystery to historians.
  2. wong utawa barang kang nggawe penasaran (amarga sethithik kang dingerteni babagan wong utawa barang kasebut)
    The abandoned house at the end of the street is a mystery to all the kids in the neighborhood.
  3. crita misteri
    The stories of Sherlock Holmes are examples of mystery novels.
  4. misteri (ing agama Katolik, nuduhake prastawa utawa runtutan prastawa penting saka urip Gusti Yesus Kristus)
    During Mass, the priest reflected on the Glorious Mysteries, which include the Resurrection and the Ascension of Jesus.