join (EN)
cêkapan, kata benda

cêkapan “join”

join; he joins; past joined, part. joined; ger. joining
  1. nyambung utawa nggabungake rong utawa luwih barang dadi siji
    She joined the pieces of the puzzle, revealing a beautiful landscape.
  2. ketemu utawa padha tekan ing titik sing padha
    The two rivers join just north of the city.
  3. dadi anggota kelompok, organisasi, utawa komunitas
    She decided to join the local library to borrow books for free.
  4. melu karo wong liya, asring kanggo melu kegiatan bebarengan
    She joined her friends at the cafe for lunch.
  5. ing komputasi lan basis data, nggabungake data saka rong utawa luwih tabel adhedhasar kolom sing gegandhengan (nggabungake data)
    We joined the Sales table with the Inventory table to get a report on products sold and remaining stock.

kata benda “join”

sg. join, pl. joins or uncountable
  1. papan sing rong utawa luwih barang, kayata pipa utawa kabel, disambungake (papan sambungan)
    The plumber worked carefully to ensure the joins between the pipes were secure to prevent any leaks.
  2. ing komputasi lan basis data, asil saka nggabungake data saka rong utawa luwih tabel adhedhasar kolom sing gegandhengan (asil gabungan)
    To get a list of all employees and their departments, we used a join between the Employee and Department tables.
  3. ing aljabar, operasi sing nemokake unsur paling cilik sing luwih gedhe utawa padha karo rong unsur sing diwenehi ing lattice (operasi gabungan)
    In the lattice of integers under division, the join of 4 and 6 is 12, since 12 is the smallest integer that is divisible by both 4 and 6.