sögn “join”
nafnháttur join; hann joins; þátíð joined; lh. þt. joined; nhm. joining
- tengja
Skráðu þig til að sjá þýðingar á dæmasetningum og einmála skilgreiningar á hverju orði.
She joined the pieces of the puzzle, revealing a beautiful landscape.
- mætast
The two rivers join just north of the city.
- ganga í (hóp, félag, samfélag)
She decided to join the local library to borrow books for free.
- fylgja einhverjum í (til að taka þátt í einhverju saman)
She joined her friends at the cafe for lunch.
- sameina (í tölvunarfræði og gagnagrunnum)
We joined the Sales table with the Inventory table to get a report on products sold and remaining stock.
Nafnorð “join”
eintala join, fleirtala joins eða óteljanlegt
- tengipunktur
The plumber worked carefully to ensure the joins between the pipes were secure to prevent any leaks.
- sameining (í tölvunarfræði og gagnagrunnum)
To get a list of all employees and their departments, we used a join between the Employee and Department tables.
- sameiningaraðgerð (í algebru)
In the lattice of integers under division, the join of 4 and 6 is 12, since 12 is the smallest integer that is divisible by both 4 and 6.