Tembung iki uga bisa dadi wangun saka:
J (aksara, kata benda, lambang) aksara “j”
- wujud cilik saka aksara "J"
Mlebu kanggo ndeleng terjemahan ukara conto lan definisi monolingual saben tembung.
The word "jet" starts with the letter "j".
lambang “j”
- ing notasi matematika ing elektronika, simbol kanggo ngewakili akar kuadrat saka -1
In electrical engineering, we use j instead of i to represent the square root of -1, so that it is not confused with current.
- ing matematika, simbol sing ngewakili vektor unit kapindho sawise "i"
In a 3D coordinate system, the vector j points directly up along the y-axis.