drape (EN)
cêkapan, kata benda

cêkapan “drape”

drape; he drapes; past draped, part. draped; ger. draping
  1. nutupi utawa ngias nganggo kain sing nggantung nggembeng
    The designer draped the mannequin with a luxurious velvet fabric.
  2. mbatik
    She draped a blanket over the sleeping child to keep him warm.
  3. nalika sandhangan utawa bahan nggantung kanthi alus lan santai
    The elegant gown draped gracefully over her shoulders, flowing to the floor.

kata benda “drape”

sg. drape, pl. drapes or uncountable
  1. irah-irahan (kain sing digantung dadi tutupan utawa hiasan, asring ing jendela utawa sakupenge kasur)
    He pulled the drape to one side to let the morning light fill the room.