kata benda “configuration”
tunggal configuration, jamak configurations utawa ora bisa diitung
- susunan
Mlebu kanggo ndeleng terjemahan ukara conto lan definisi monolingual saben tembung.
The designer changed the configuration of the furniture so that the living room would feel more open and welcoming.
- konfigurasi
The engineer reviewed the server's configuration to find out why it was running slowly.
- konfigurasi (proses nyetel utawa ngatur piranti lunak utawa piranti keras)
Setting up the new computer required careful configuration to meet the company's security standards.
- konfigurasi (susunan atom utawa elektron ing molekul utawa kristal)
Scientists study the configuration of molecules to understand their chemical properties.
- (ing astrologi) posisi-planèt lan lintang ing wektu tartamtu
She believed that the current configuration would bring her good fortune.