kata benda “holiday”
tunggal holiday, jamak holidays utawa ora bisa diitung
- dina riyaya
Mlebu kanggo ndeleng terjemahan ukara conto lan definisi monolingual saben tembung.
Christmas is a holiday where families often exchange gifts and celebrate together.
- dina preinan resmi
On Independence Day, a national holiday, all government offices are closed.
- preinan (wekdal kanggo istirahat, seneng-seneng, utawa lelungan, biasane luwih saka siji dina)
We're planning a two-week holiday to Spain this summer.
- liburan sekolah
During the Christmas holidays, we're planning a family trip to the mountains.
- wekdal panyetopan pembayaran sementara
Due to financial difficulties, the bank offered a three-month loan holiday to help ease the burden on homeowners.