
option (EN)

名詞 “option”

単数 option、複数 options
  1. 選択肢
    The software provides several options for customizing the interface.
  2. 選択権
    She had the option to accept or refuse the offer.
  3. オプション(金融、保有者に資産を一定の価格で売買する権利を与える契約)
    He invested in options to hedge his portfolio against market changes.

動詞 “option”

不定詞 option; 三単現 options; 過去形 optioned; 過去分詞 optioned; 動名詞 optioning
  1. オプション契約を結ぶ(将来の使用権を購入する)
    The film studio optioned the novel for a potential movie adaptation.