conduit (EN)

名詞 “conduit”

sg. conduit, pl. conduits
  1. 導水管(みずなどを運ぶための構造物)
    The plumber installed a new conduit under the sink to prevent any future leaks.
  2. 電線管(電気配線を保護するための筐体)
    To protect the wiring from damage, we ran it through a metal conduit along the wall.
  3. 伝達路(情報や感情を伝える手段)
    The teacher served as a conduit for knowledge, passing on the wisdom of the ages to her students.
  4. 財務コンジット(短期借入金で長期資産を賄う金融構造)
    The financial institution set up a conduit to manage the assets of their high-profile clients more efficiently.