M (EN)

m (文字、形容詞、記号)

文字 “M”

  1. 文字「m」の大文字形
    Mary marked the map with a big "M" to show where the mountain was located.

名詞 “M”

sg. M, pl. Ms or uncountable
  1. 月曜日の略称
    We have a team meeting scheduled for 9 AM on M, T, W, but the rest of the week is free.
  2. アメリカでは、映画のコンテンツレーティングが15歳以上です。
    The movie we wanted to see was rated M, so we had to make sure everyone in our group was old enough to watch it.
  3. モルヒネの俗語
    After the surgery, he asked the nurse if it was time for his M to help with the pain.

形容詞 “M”

M, non-gradable
  1. フォームで提供される性別オプションの「男性」の頭字語
    On the registration form, please select M or F.

数詞 “M”

  1. ローマ数字での数「千」
    In the year MCMXCIX (1999), many feared the approaching new millennium.

記号 “M”

  1. メガ(100万倍の係数)
    Hydrogen bombs with more than 50 Mt of force have been tested before.
  2. Mサイズ
    I realized the shirt was too tight, so I exchanged it for an M.
  3. 「男性を示すために使用され、時には年齢に追加される」
    He's 30M and looking for a hiking buddy.
  4. 生化学におけるメチオニンの記号
    In the protein sequence, "M" stands for methionine at the start of the chain.
  5. 化学において、溶媒1リットルあたり物質1モルの濃度を示す「モル」。
    To prepare the solution, we need to dissolve the salt in water until we reach a concentration of 0.5M.
  6. 音楽で「メジャー」の記号
    She played a beautiful song with the CM7 chord.