nɝv US nɜːv UK

nerve (EN)
sostantivo, verbo

sostantivo “nerve”

sing. nerve, pl. nerves o non num.
  1. nervo
    After the accident, the surgeon had to repair the damaged nerve to restore sensation to his hand.
  2. nervatura
    The botanist pointed out the intricate pattern of nerves on the leaf during the nature walk.
  3. coraggio
    It took a lot of nerve for the young athlete to stand up to the seasoned coach.
  4. nervi
    The constant noise from the construction site is fraying my nerves.
  5. nervosismo
    As the roller coaster climbed higher, Sam's nerves kicked in, leaving his hands clammy and his heart racing.

verbo “nerve”

infinito nerve; lui nerves; pass. nerved; p.p. nerved; ger. nerving
  1. infondere coraggio (a qualcuno)
    The coach's pep talk nerved the team to play their best despite the intimidating odds.