imagination (EN)

sostantivo “imagination”

sg. imagination, pl. imaginations or uncountable
  1. immaginazione
    As a child, her imagination would transport her to magical kingdoms far beyond our world.
  2. fantasia (tendenza a creare immagini o scenari non veri o irreali)
    When she heard strange noises in the attic, it was her vivid imagination that conjured up ghosts instead of the reality of a few squirrels.
  3. creatività (capacità di essere inventivi e proporre idee o soluzioni originali)
    The chef's imagination in the kitchen turned simple ingredients into culinary masterpieces.
  4. immagine mentale (idea o immagine specifica creata nella mente)
    The dragon in her story was so vivid, it was as if her imagination had breathed life into it.