Nafnorð “trust”
eintala trust, fleirtala trusts eða óteljanlegt
- traust
Skráðu þig til að sjá þýðingar á dæmasetningum og einmála skilgreiningar á hverju orði.
She handed over her secret diary to her friend, showing the deep trust she had in her.
- trúnaður (um lögformlegt fyrirkomulag)
When my parents passed away, they left a trust for my education, with my uncle as the trustee.
- samráð (í atvinnulífinu)
The government dismantled the oil trust after discovering it was fixing prices and stifling competition.
sögn “trust”
nafnháttur trust; hann trusts; þátíð trusted; lh. þt. trusted; nhm. trusting
- treysta
I trust my best friend with all my secrets.
- trúa á
I trust that the sun will rise again tomorrow morning.
- vonast eftir (með trausti)
I trust him to finish the project on time.
- fela (einhverjum ábyrgð)
She trusted her neighbor to water her plants while she was on vacation.
lýsingarorð “trust”
grunnform trust, ekki stigbreytanlegt
- trúnaðar- (lýsingarorð um lögformlegt trúnaðarsamband)
She appointed a trust lawyer to manage her estate according to the terms of her late father's trust agreement.