
sell (EN)
sögn, Nafnorð

sögn “sell”

nafnháttur sell; hann sells; þátíð sold; lh. þt. sold; nhm. selling
  1. selja
    She sold her old car very quickly at a good price.
  2. seljast
    This new smartphone is selling rapidly in stores.
  3. Selja (að sannfæra einhvern um að samþykkja hugmynd eða áætlun)
    He worked hard to sell the project proposal to the board.
  4. svíkja (fyrir persónulegan ávinning)
    He sold his fellow soldiers to the enemy.

Nafnorð “sell”

eintala sell, fleirtala sells
  1. sannfæring (tilraun til að sannfæra einhvern)
    Getting everyone to agree to the new schedule was a tough sell.