Nafnorð “medium”
eintala medium, fleirtala media
- miðill
Skráðu þig til að sjá þýðingar á dæmasetningum og einmála skilgreiningar á hverju orði.
Social media has become a powerful platform for sharing news and opinions globally.
Nafnorð “medium”
eintala medium, fleirtala mediums, media
- umhverfi (í samhengi við stað eða aðstæður þar sem eitthvað gerist)
Water is the medium in which the fish swim.
- gagnamiðill
We backed up our project on several mediums, including USB drives and cloud storage.
- ræktunaræði
To culture the bacteria, we added them to a liquid medium enriched with amino acids and vitamins.
Nafnorð “medium”
eintala medium, fleirtala mediums
- miðill (í samhengi við samskipti við andaheiminn)
The medium closed her eyes and whispered messages from spirits to the eager audience gathered around her.
- meðalstærð
She ordered a medium because she wasn't very thirsty.
lýsingarorð “medium”
grunnform medium (more/most)
- meðal-
She ordered a medium coffee, not too large or too small, just the right size for her morning routine.
- meðalsteikt
I ordered my steak medium because I like it pink in the middle.