leading (EN)

Þetta orð getur einnig verið form af:
lead (sögn)

lýsingarorð “leading”

  1. leiðandi
    She is the leading researcher in her field, with numerous groundbreaking publications.
  2. fremstur (í keppni eða kapphlaupi)
    He quickly caught up to the leading runner, determined to win the race.
  3. stýrandi (spurning sem gefur leiðbeiningar eða stefnu)
    His leading comments during the debate swayed the audience's opinion before they heard all the facts.
  4. forspár (sem gerist á undan öðrum hlutum, oft til marks um hvað mun gerast í framtíðinni)
    The leading symptoms of the illness appeared days before the more severe effects.