
discount (EN)
Nafnorð, sögn, sögn

Nafnorð “discount”

eintala discount, fleirtala discounts
  1. afsláttur
    The store is offering a 20% discount on all furniture this weekend.
  2. afsláttur (í sálfræði, athöfnin að hunsa raunveruleika aðstæðna með því að einblína aðeins á eigin tilfinningar)
    The therapist explained how discount can affect relationships.

sögn “discount”

nafnháttur discount; hann discounts; þátíð discounted; lh. þt. discounted; nhm. discounting
  1. veita afslátt
    The store is discounting all summer clothing by 30%.

sögn “discount”

nafnháttur discount; hann discounts; þátíð discounted; lh. þt. discounted; nhm. discounting
  1. hundsa (líta framhjá)
    The teacher discounted the rumor as mere gossip.