
discount (EN)
Selfstandige naamwoord, werkwoord, werkwoord

Selfstandige naamwoord “discount”

enkelvoud discount, meervoud discounts
  1. afslag
    The store is offering a 20% discount on all furniture this weekend.
  2. afslag (in die sielkunde, die daad om die werklikheid van 'n situasie te ignoreer deur slegs op eie gevoelens te fokus)
    The therapist explained how discount can affect relationships.

werkwoord “discount”

infinitief discount; hy discounts; verlede tyd discounted; verlede deelw. discounted; ger. discounting
  1. afslag gee
    The store is discounting all summer clothing by 30%.

werkwoord “discount”

infinitief discount; hy discounts; verlede tyd discounted; verlede deelw. discounted; ger. discounting
  1. afmaak (as onbelangrik)
    The teacher discounted the rumor as mere gossip.