
coop (EN)
Nafnorð, Nafnorð, sögn

Nafnorð “coop”

eintala coop, fleirtala coops
  1. Samvinnufélag (stutt fyrir "samvinnufélag", samtök sem eru í eigu og rekin af meðlimum sínum)
    The farmers decided to join a coop to share resources and support each other's businesses.

Nafnorð “coop”

eintala coop, fleirtala coops
  1. hænsnakofi
    The farmer built a new coop for his chickens to protect them from foxes.

sögn “coop”

nafnháttur coop; hann coops; þátíð cooped; lh. þt. cooped; nhm. cooping
  1. loka inni (í litlu rými)
    They cooped the chickens in the barn during the storm.