broad (EN)
lýsingarorð, Nafnorð

lýsingarorð “broad”

broad, broader, broadest
  1. breiður
    The table was so broad that it took up most of the space in the dining room.
  2. víðtækur
    The museum offers a broad array of exhibits, from ancient artifacts to modern art.
  3. yfirgripsmikill
    The CEO gave a broad outline of the company's strategy for the upcoming year.
  4. ljós (sem í "í ljósum degi")
    The thief was caught on camera in broad daylight, making no attempt to hide his face.
  5. augljós
    When she asked if I was tired, I took it as a broad hint to end the meeting and go home.
  6. þungur (í samhengi við framburð)
    After living abroad for a decade, he returned home with a broad Australian accent.
  7. grófur
    The comedian's routine was full of broad humor that some found offensive.

Nafnorð “broad”

sg. broad, pl. broads
  1. kelling (slangur, ekki endilega viðurkennt orð)
    He was always respectful when talking about women, never referring to them as broads.