
short (EN)
kata sifat, kata keterangan, kata benda, kata kerja, kata depan

kata sifat “short”

short, lebih shorter, paling shortest
  1. pendek
    She bought a short dress for the summer party.
  2. pendek (dalam konteks tinggi badan)
    Despite being the shortest in her class, she was the fastest runner.
  3. singkat
    The movie was surprisingly short, lasting only about an hour.
  4. ringkas
    She wrote a short story for her English class.
  5. kurang
    The hospital was in a short supply of masks during the pandemic.
  6. kekurangan
    The report was short of details, making it difficult to understand the full scope of the project.
  7. singkatan
    "Vet" is short for "veterinarian".
  8. menguntungkan jika harga pasar turun
    He was short on tech stocks, betting they would fall in the next quarter.

kata keterangan “short”

short, shorter, shortest
  1. lebih cepat dari yang diharapkan
    The meeting was cut short, surprising everyone with its brevity.
  2. tidak cukup jauh
    He threw the pass short, missing the receiver by several feet.

kata benda “short”

tunggal short, jamak shorts atau tak terhitung
  1. korsleting
    The power outage was caused by a short in the electrical system.
  2. film pendek
    Before the main feature, the audience was treated to a hilarious animated short about a mischievous cat.
  3. minuman keras dalam takaran kecil
    After dinner, he ordered a short of rum to cap off the meal.
  4. integer ukuran kecil
    In our code, we used shorts to store the ages of users since we didn't expect any values over 30,000.

kata kerja “short”

infinitif short; dia shorts; lampau shorted; part. lampau shorted; ger. shorting
  1. menyebabkan korsleting
    Spilling water on the electrical outlet accidentally shorted the entire system.
  2. menjual saham pinjaman dengan spekulasi harga akan turun
    John decided to short the company's stock, betting that its value would drop after the disappointing earnings report.

kata depan “short”

  1. kekurangan
    The kitchen is short two spoons for tonight's dinner party.