kata benda “sanction”
tunggal sanction, jamak sanctions atau tak terhitung
- sanksi (hukuman)
Daftar untuk melihat terjemahan contoh kalimat dan definisi monolingual dari setiap kata.
The international community imposed economic sanctions on the nation after it tested nuclear weapons.
- persetujuan
The project cannot proceed without the sanction of the city council.
- sanksi (hukuman dalam hukum atau kontrak)
The new regulation includes sanctions for companies that fail to reduce emissions.
kata kerja “sanction”
infinitif sanction; dia sanctions; lampau sanctioned; part. lampau sanctioned; ger. sanctioning
- mengesahkan
The board sanctioned the merger between the two companies.
- menjatuhkan sanksi
The regulatory agency sanctioned the firm for violating safety standards.