kata benda “dip”
tunggal dip, jamak dips atau tak terhitung
- penurunan
Daftar untuk melihat terjemahan contoh kalimat dan definisi monolingual dari setiap kata.
Sales figures showed a dip in the second quarter but quickly recovered.
- cekungan
The car bounced slightly as it went over the dip in the driveway.
- berenang sebentar
We took a refreshing dip in the lake after our hike.
- sekilas
She took a quick dip into the book before deciding to buy it.
- gerakan turun naik
She made a small dip with her hand to wave goodbye.
- latihan dips
John did ten dips on the parallel bars to strengthen his arms and chest.
- gerakan dansa (menurunkan pasangan)
During the final note of the song, the dancers performed a dip, looking into each other's eyes.
- saus celup
She served fresh vegetables with a creamy ranch dip.
- larutan pembasmi serangga
The farmer prepared the dip to rid the sheep of ticks and fleas.
kata kerja “dip”
infinitif dip; dia dips; lampau dipped; part. lampau dipped; ger. dipping
- mencelupkan
She dipped the cookie into the milk.
- menurun
The bird dipped suddenly in the sky.
- menurunkan
The bird dipped its beak to catch the insect.
- sedikit menurun
The temperature dipped below zero last night.
- meredupkan
When driving at night, remember to dip your headlights when another car approaches.
- menurunkan (bendera)
During the ceremony, the officer dipped the flag to honor the visiting dignitaries.
- mencelupkan (ternak)
The rancher dipped the sheep to protect them from parasites.
- menurunkan dan mengangkat (pasangan dansa)
During the tango, he gracefully dipped his partner, making the audience gasp in awe.