feel (EN)
פועל, שם עצם

פועל “feel”

feel; he feels; past felt, part. felt; ger. feeling
  1. לחוש
    She felt the soft fur of the kitten as it snuggled in her arms.
  2. לחפש במישוש
    Blindfolded, she felt around the room for her lost earring.
  3. להרגיש (רגש כלפי משהו)
    She felt immense joy when she saw her friend return safely.
  4. להרגיש (דעה או אמונה על משהו)
    She feels the project will be successful if everyone cooperates.
  5. לחוות (מצב רגשי)
    She felt happy when she saw the surprise party her friends had organized for her.
  6. להתחבר (לרגשות של מישהו אחר)
    When she heard about his job loss, she immediately felt for him, knowing how hard he had worked.
  7. להתעורר (להכרה של משהו)
    She felt the fabric between her fingers, noticing its smooth texture.
  8. לחוש
    After the prank he played on his sister, he felt her wrath when she hid his favorite shoes.
  9. להרגיש (מרקם או איכות במגע)
    The fabric looked rough, but when I touched it, it felt surprisingly soft.

שם עצם “feel”

sg. feel, pl. feels or uncountable
  1. תחושה (של חפץ או חומר במגע)
    The silk scarf had a smooth and delicate feel against her skin.
  2. תחושה
    After playing the piano for a few weeks, she finally got the feel of the keys under her fingers.
  3. נגיעה (קלה ולעיתים רקיקה)
    During the movie, his hand brushed against mine, giving a gentle feel that sent butterflies through my stomach.
  4. הבנה (בסיסית או ראשונית של משהו)
    After practicing for a week, she finally had a feel for playing the guitar.
  5. כישרון (טבעי או נטייה למשהו)
    He has a real feel for languages, picking up new ones with remarkable ease.