tegusõna “see”
infinitiiv see; ta sees; minevik saw; mineviku kesks. seen; ger. seeing
- nägema
Registreeruge, et näha näitelauseid ja iga sõna ükskeelseid definitsioone.
When I visited the zoo, I saw a lion for the first time.
- vaatama (filmide või etenduste kontekstis)
We're going to see the new superhero movie at the theater tonight.
- mõistma
After he explained the concept a second time, I finally saw his point.
- vaata (käskiv kõneviis, rõhutamaks punkti)
See, if you save your money now, you'll be able to buy that bike you want later.
- külastama (kellegi juurde minema, et veeta aega koos)
I'm planning to see my grandparents this weekend.
- kohtama (romantilises suhtes olema)
He's been seeing someone new since July.
- pöörduma (arsti poole konsultatsiooni saamiseks)
If your toothache persists, you need to see a dentist soon.
- olema (millegi toimumise paik või aeg)
The Renaissance period saw the rebirth of art and culture in Europe.
- hoolitsema (millegi toimumise eest)
I'll see to it that your car is fixed by the end of the day.
- saatma (kellegagi kuhugi kaasa minema)
I saw the gentleman to his car to ensure he left the event without any trouble.
- callima (hasartmängudes teise mängija panusega võrdse panuse tegemine)
He saw her bet of fifty dollars and decided to call.
- uurima (midagi katsetama või välja selgitama)
Let's see whether adding some salt improves the flavor of the soup.
- vaatama (informatsiooni otsimine allikast)
For instructions on resetting your password, refer to page 15 of the handbook (see: "Password Recovery Procedures").
hüüdsõna “see”
- näed (sõna, mis juhatab sisse selgituse)
See, if we save a little money each month, by the end of the year we'll have enough for that vacation.
nimisõna “see”
ainsus see, mitmus sees
- piiskopkond
The bishop was excited to take charge of his new see, overseeing numerous parishes in the area.