opposite (EN)
omadussõna, eel­sõna, määrsõna, nimisõna

omadussõna “opposite”

opposite, non-gradable
  1. vastas
    They sat at opposite ends of the table during dinner.
  2. vastupidine
    When exchanged goodbyes, we went in opposite directions.
  3. täiesti erinev
    We have opposite views on the issue.

eel­sõna “opposite”

  1. vastas
    The bank is located opposite the supermarket.
  2. (näitlejast) kellegi partnerina filmis või näidendis esinemine
    She starred opposite Tom Hanks in the romantic comedy.

määrsõna “opposite”

  1. vastas
    He sat opposite me at the table.

nimisõna “opposite”

sg. opposite, pl. opposites or uncountable
  1. täielik vastand
    He's the opposite of his father; always late and never apologizes.
  2. antonüüm
    "Hot" is the opposite of "cold."
  3. vastandarv
    In mathematics, the opposite of 5 is -5 because when added together, they equal zero.