little (EN)
omadussõna, määrsõna, määrsõna, asesõna, nimisõna

omadussõna “little”

little, littler, littlest
  1. väike
    She cuddled her little kitten, which fit perfectly in the palm of her hand.
  2. lühike (ajaliselt)
    He took a little break from work to clear his mind.
  3. noor (väga noor)
    When he was littler, he couldn't reach the cookie jar on the top shelf.
  4. noorem (pärast teist õde-venda sündinud)
    Tom proudly showed his classmates a photo, saying, "That's my little brother on his first day of school."

määrsõna “little”

  1. veidi (modifitseerib omadussõna)
    This information is little known.
  2. üldse mitte
    Little did she realize, her lost ring was in her pocket the whole time.

määrsõna “little”

  1. vähe (modifitseerib nimisõna)
    There is little milk at home―could you buy some?

asesõna “little”

  1. vähe (kasutatud iseseisva asesõnana)
    Little is known about this bird species.

nimisõna “little”

sg. little, pl. littles or uncountable
  1. natuke
    Can I add a little of that into the sauce?
  2. laps (väike laps)
    When she heard him cry, she knew her little needed to be fed.