sustantivo “motor”
sing. motor, pl. motors
- motor
Regístrese para ver las traducciones de las oraciones de ejemplo y las definiciones monolingües de cada palabra.
The electric motor powers the wheels of the car.
- motor (fuerza impulsora)
Innovation is the motor of economic growth.
adjetivo “motor”
forma base motor, no graduable
- motor
The physical therapist assessed his motor skills after the injury.
- automovilístico
She works in the motor industry designing new car models.
- motorizado
They enjoyed a weekend trip on a motor yacht along the coast.
verbo “motor”
infinitivo motor; él motors; pret. motored; part. motored; ger. motoring
- avanzar rápidamente
The project was motoring along ahead of schedule.
- (en aviación) hacer girar un motor de avión usando el arrancador sin combustible
The technicians motored the engine to check for mechanical issues.