
blade (EN)
substantivo, verbo

substantivo “blade”

sing. blade, plur. blades
  1. klingo
    He carefully wiped the blade of his knife after cutting the apples.
  2. folio
    A single blade of grass poked through the snow.
  3. helicfolio
    The fan's blades rotated slowly in the heat.
  4. la plata parto de remilo
    As the rower pulled through the water, the blade sliced smoothly beneath the surface.
  5. skapolo
    She stretched to relieve the tension in her shoulder blades.
  6. ŝultroviando
    They prepared a stew with blade.
  7. glitklingo
    The skater carefully checked the blade of her ice skate to ensure it was sharp enough for the competition.
  8. la metala parto de ŝlosilo kiu eniras en la seruron
    He noticed the blade of the key was bent.
  9. protezo (por kurado)
    The sprinter won the race using his carbon fiber blade.

verbo “blade”

infinitivo blade; li blades; pasinteco bladed; pasinta part. bladed; ger. blading
  1. ruliĝi per rulpatoj
    We bladed along the river path on Sunday morning.