Substantiv “surface”
Sg. surface, Pl. surfaces od. unz.
- Oberfläche
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The surface of the cushion is very smooth.
- Erdoberfläche
The mines can be found under the surface.
- Wasseroberfläche
He took a deep breath and dived under the surface.
- Oberfläche (eines Möbelstücks)
Please wipe down the kitchen surfaces after cooking.
- Äußere erscheinung
On the surface, everything seemed fine, but there were problems beneath.
- Fläche
In calculus class, we studied how to calculate areas of curved surfaces.
Verb “surface”
Infinitiv surface; er surfaces; Prät. surfaced; Part. surfaced; Ger. surfacing
- auftauchen
The diver surfaced after exploring the coral reef.
- ans Licht kommen
New evidence has recently surfaced in the investigation.
- beschichten
They plan to surface the old road with new asphalt.
- sich zeigen
The rare bird finally surfaced after days of hiding.
- an die Oberfläche bringen
The team surfaced the treasure from the bottom of the ocean.
- sichtbar machen
The app surfaces relevant news articles based on your interests.