kʰæʃ US UK

cash (EN)
Substantiv, Verb

Substantiv “cash”

Singular cash, unzählbar
  1. Bargeld
    She paid for the groceries with cash.
  2. (finance) Geld, das sofort verfügbar ist (im Gegensatz zu Investitionen oder anderen Vermögenswerten)
    The company needs more cash to fund its operations.

Verb “cash”

Infinitiv cash; er cashes; Prät. cashed; Part. cashed; Ger. cashing
  1. einen Scheck gegen Geld in Form von Bargeld eintauschen
    After selling the car, he cashed the check at the bank.
  2. Geld (in einem Pokerturnier gewinnen)
    He cashed in all three tournaments he played this week.