ease (EN)
Navneord, udsagnsord

Navneord “ease”

sg. ease, uncountable
  1. lethed
    She solved the puzzle with surprising ease.
  2. ro
    After winning the lottery, she enjoyed a life of ease.
  3. lindring
    The warm bath gave her ease from the stress of the day.
  4. bevægelsesfrihed (i tøj)
    The tailor added extra ease to the shoulders of the jacket for better comfort.

udsagnsord “ease”

ease; he eases; past eased, part. eased; ger. easing
  1. lindre
    She took a deep breath to ease her anxiety.
  2. aftage (i intensitet)
    The storm finally eased by morning.
  3. lette
    The new software was designed to ease the process of filing taxes.
  4. føre forsigtigt
    She eased the ring off her finger.
  5. bevæge sig langsomt
    She eased into the cold water, shivering slightly.
  6. løsne
    She eased her grip on the rope to let it slide smoothly through her hands.
  7. falde (i værdi)
    The stock prices eased down after the company's earnings report was released.
  8. bevæge sig let
    The boat eased into the calm harbor.