
dressing (EN)
podstatné jméno

Toto slovo může být také tvarem slova:
dress (sloveso)

podstatné jméno “dressing”

sg. dressing, pl. dressings or uncountable
  1. zálivka
    She poured some dressing over her salad before eating it.
  2. obvaz
    The nurse changed the dressing on his injured leg every day.
  3. nádivka
    At Thanksgiving, my grandmother always makes the best dressing for the turkey.
  4. hnojivo (pro zlepšení úrodnosti půdy)
    They applied a compost dressing to the garden to help the plants grow.
  5. apretura (chemická látka používaná k zušlechťování textilií)
    The fabric was treated with a special dressing to make it stiffer.
  6. ozdobný prvek (kolem dveří nebo oken)
    The stone dressings around the windows gave the house an elegant look.